Is Plastic the new Ivory?

This week we had the pleasure of visiting Clerkenwell Design Week and engaging in a ‘Plastic Fantastic?’ conversation chaired by Caroline Till (Franklin Till) and including guest speakers Frederrike Magnussen (A Plastic Planet), Jordan Watson (Happenstance Workshop), and Russell Whitehead and Jordan Cluroe (2LG Studio).

The conversation focused on our current obsession with the plastic problem, and whether this is simply a trend or is here to stay.

Frederrike Magnussen co-founder of A Plastic Planet believes the solution is in shunning virgin plastic and making our existing plastic waste appealing again.

“Plastic needs to become desirable and valuable again – like Ivory, it needs to be viewed as an extremely rare and precious material… We have to put plastic back on it’s pedestal” – (Frederrike Magnussen)

During the conversation the panellists were asked which three big brands stuck in the mind as responsible and innovative brands:

  1. IKEA
  2. Adidas
  3. Ecover

“We can’t just expect to find a single solution to the problem, there are countless new materials now available, each with it’s own distinct advantages and drawbacks which need to be seen on an individual basis.”

plastic free packaging

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